So when things went down and I didn't finish P90X (a really great butt-kicking workout program!) I expected myself to feel guilty and sabotage all my efforts...go back to my same old habits of beating myself up and taking weeks to drag myself out of the mud. BUT to my surprise I felt none of that. Just contentment in knowing I was doing the best I could in the moment. He freed me from strife and put me in a place of rest. Even in June, July and August when I could barely exercise at all (traveling, vacationing, and crazy hard school schedule...) I was at peace.
After eating primarily Mongolian food for a full 5 weeks over the summer of traveling (very fattening greasy carbs and some meat and very little veggies) of course I had gained the weight I lost. Even then I was FINE. It was sooooooooo weird! I knew I was in a place of striving. I really didn't want to do anything in my own strength so I waited. Then one day in September I decided to stop by the Fitness Club (I went for one month almost a year prior but wasn't able to continue cause the class times were not fitting into our schedule...this was right before God whispered to me in the bathtub...). I found out that they changed the morning class time which meant I could go in the morning before language class! I committed to going 4 times a week and soon she was calling me Sovdaa Baksh (Teacher) and leaving me in charge of the aerobics class when she had other things to do for 10 minutes at a time.
Then, she went to UB and when I showed up to class the students told me the teacher said that I was supposed to teach. She was gone a whole week! So I stood up to the challenge with my very limited language and loved it! And the rest is history...been teaching aerobics for 3 months 4 mornings a week and even taped some classes for morning television. Crazy!
So now I am still at the same old weight I would normally be unhappy with but I am gaining muscle and excited to hit it hard for the next 2 months before we come home. I feel more motivated than ever before! Plus Larry is going to a CrossFit Trainer Certification while we are in Cali so he is super dedicated to learning CrossFit so we are doing it together. So I am going to attempt to do CrossFit 5x a week and throw a P90X workout in a few times a week if possible. CrossFit workouts are only 30 minutes but they kick your butt hecka hard!
AND I've been on the Zone diet for 2 days and starving!!! BUT totally motivated to stick to it. I seriously have NO idea where the old Krista has gone???!!!! I am terrible at sticking to diets. I am so ready to kick it hard and I love it!!! Where did this enthusiasm come from? His favor is so evident!!! Secretly the real reason I wanted to share all this is to remember all the amazing things He is doing to get me screaming crazy excited pumped to make it happen with His STRENGTH and not my own!
The best part: I want to do this. I mean forever. To train women how to love and train the bodies God gave them! I don't even care how or where or what. I just know in my heart of hearts that I was born to be a WARRIOR. To be hecka strong!!! I am free!!! Now the enemy has no hold on me...I have no voices in my head that I am doing it all for the wrong reasons. This is totally for real and I can't even believe it. 15+ years of varying degrees of powerlessness. And now this! Even though it's been a forever long process and God has given me MAJOR breakthroughs in the past (especially healing from binging and purging years ago) there was still something....I knew I needed to overcome. The negative thoughts are gone. The feeling like I could NOT succeed no matter what I gone! I feel so a huge ball and chain has been cut off my leg. I feel like running, dancing, Bringing it P90X and CrossFit style!!!
Thank you, sometimes I need to be reminded that this body is a temple for the Lord. I've been struggling with working out, some people from church are doing the 21 day Daniel Fast. I am not in a place where I can do this fast, but I see now that I need to make sure that I am working out for the right reasons. God bless.