When it all began:
A few months ago, after teaching my morning aerobics class my teacher encouraged me to get all fixed up (put on cute clothes, make-up, etc.) because a television crew was coming to video-tape us teaching a class! We taped short segments weekly for 3-4 weeks. Our 10-15 minute aerobics segments have been aired after the news every morning ever since late October!
The best part?
I'm learning first-hand that the GREAT COMMANDER of our ARMY uses our greatest weaknesses and vulnerabilities and turns them into our greatest strengths. Sometimes He even opens up a great door of ministry through them. Our greatest enemy tries to destroy us in the very area that we were created for. That's exactly what is going on in my life. With vulnerabilities in body image and food issues...and spending years wrestling for VICTORY...I have been given a great opportunity to teach others health and wellness! I am sooooo far from where I want to be...I would have thought that HE would wait to give me this awesome gift when I "deserved" it. But HE loves me just the way I am and trusts me with this! I am so overwhelmed and in awe of him! I feel so undeserving of such an awesome opportunity!
The implications?
I am beginning to BELIEVE that HE has created me for this purpose. HE is OPENING the eyes of my heart and showing me that teaching health and wellness is a CALLING on my life. So often the enemy would lie to me saying "you shouldn't care about your body...it's so worldly and vain." And on and on...up and down...on the crazy roller coaster ride of trying to understand what was right. I prayed and prayed for pure motives and understanding. I cried out for freedom from guilt, shame, accusation, and confusion. Now, I am on the verge of the greatest breakthrough of all. I STAND STRONG before His throne while armed in garments of praise. I am realizing the AUTHORITY He has given. All these truths He has whispered to me over the years are beginning to take ROOT. My roots are going down into the depths of His LOVE as my VICTORIOUS WARRIOR gives me VICTORY and delights over me with singing!!! Teaching Aerobics was no easy thing for me. Even though I knew I had something small to offer these women, I didn't feel like I was worthy. My Maker says the opposite of what the world says. He says, "Before I created you in the womb, I knew you." He KNEW me. He KNEW all the mistakes I would ever make. BUT all He ever SEES in me is the VICTORY He gives. He sees a Mighty WARRIOR Princess. He sees a BEAUTY to behold. He sees ME for who I really am....not what other people or the world sees. He sees MY HEART. He sees my COMPASSION for a hurting world. He sees my PASSION for MORE OF HIM. He sees the LOVE I desire to share. He doesn't see my failures....to Him my failures are GREAT opportunities for Victory. Time to pull up those Boot Straps and PRESS ON SOLDIER!!! Time to STAND STRONG and TAKE THE LAND He has ALREADY GIVEN FREELY by His GRACE!!!
Praise the Lord for allowing this "small" thing to be used to influence many :)
Like the story of the loaves and fishes, He just asks us to offer up the little that we have and He does the multiplying and miracle-making!!! We are so honored to be used by Him! Remember He can use all things for His glory!!! Even the "small" things! Who knew that a "small" thing like teaching aerobics would bring such Victory in my life...and hopefully to the lives of others as well! So Keep pressing on! Survey your surroundings and ask the Lord what you can offer Him. May seem small but...trust God to turn your little some thing into an amazing miracle!!! STAND STRONG...PRESS ON SOLDIER!